November 2015

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Winners of the November certificates as chosen by Tony Handford
Winners of the November
certificates as chosen
by Tony Handford

Howard's winning lime bowl
Howard's winning
lime bowl
Graham's highly commended salt and pepper mills
highly commended
salt and pepper mills
Chris Withall's commended burr dish
Chris Withall's commended
burr dish
Bert's commended pot
Bert's commended pot
Better view of chatter finish on Bert's pot
Better view of
chatter finish on Bert's pot
Pierced and decorated butterfly lidded pot by David Reed
Pierced and decorated
butterfly lidded pot
by David Reed
Elm bowl by John Spencer
Elm bowl by John Spencer
Display of light pulls by John Brocklehurst
Display of light pulls
by John Brocklehurst
Natural edge dish by Keith Leonard
Natural edge dish
by Keith Leonard
Two items by Tony Flood
Two items by Tony Flood
The burr field maple log that will be Tony's first project a natural edged dish
The burr field maple log
that will be Tony's first
project a
natural edged dish
Now mounted between centres
Now mounted
between centres
Shaping the back of the dish
Shaping the back
of the dish
The back of the dish finished
The back of the dish
Now all set to hollow out the front
Now all set
to hollow out
the front
Almost there
Almost there
That's it. Just needs a couple of coats of oil to finish it
That's it.
Just needs a couple
of coats of oil
to finish it
Tony's second piece. A beech tree wart. He had never turned one of these before
Tony's second piece.
A beech tree wart.
He had never turned
one of these before
Carefully setting it up between centres
Carefully setting it up
between centres
He turned the tree side to form the base of what will be a hollow form
He turned the tree
side to form the base
of what will be
a hollow form

Ready for shaping
Ready for shaping
Shaped and ready for hollowing
Shaped and ready
for hollowing

Hollowing with a Roly Munro tool and his own design tool support
Hollowing with a
Roly Munro
tool and his own
design tool support
Thats it rough turned
Thats it rough turned
Finished so far. Now it will stand for a couple of months
Finished so far.
Now it will stand for a couple
of months